This is an annually recognized week to honor those involved in healthcare administrative management; for managers to honor the individuals on their staffs, for the public to become aware of the profession, and for each of us to recognize our colleagues and ourselves! Thank you to all of you recognizing and honoring the individuals engaged in healthcare administrative management!
There are numerous opportunities for you to gain recognition for your department or office. Submit an article on our profession to your local chapter of AAHAM. Local newspapers often have sections that highlight important dates and celebrations. Create an informative display describing the work, growth and/or evolution of the department or spotlighting the department’s employees. Some departments celebrate with decorations, contests, treats and get incredibly creative to get office/hospital-wide involvement. As an AAHAM sponsor in multiple chapters, we support our partners in supporting and recognizing the incredible amount of workload within the business office.
By supporting PAM week, all of us realize the importance in recognizing and honoring the individuals engaged in healthcare administrative management. Many facilities honor this special week as an excellent way of increasing hospital and office morale and expanding knowledge of our profession. PSB*MARS hopes you have an outstanding 2021 Patient Account Management Day and week!